Columbus day games for kids

Columbus day celebrate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. This day gives us an opportunity to play some Columbus Day games which have historical aspects. Children can play these games together or teachers can use Columbus Day games for history lessons at school.

Columbus day games for kids
 Kids and their friends can play Christopher Columbus looking for new land and discovering America. This role play game will help kids learn history effectively.
Crossword puzzle is also an interesting game kids can play on Columbus Day. It not only entertains themselves but also test their knowledge.
 Crossword puzzle is also an interesting game kids can play on Columbus Day. It not only entertains themselves but also test their knowledge.
  Making ship craft seems to be another interesting game for children on this holiday. Do you remember the name of Columbus' ship? It's Santa Maria!
 Making ship craft seems to be another interesting game for children on this holiday. Do you remember the name of Columbus' ship? It's Santa Maria!
Let's help Columbus find the new world with his ship through this maze game. Children can print this out and play with friends.
Let's help Columbus find the new world with his ship through this maze game. Children can print this out and play with friends.

It's Columbus day, so why not commemorate the event that Christopher Columbus discovered America with some great games. The above Columbus day activities will help all the kids have an enjoyable Monday.