Humorous pictures for labor day

Labor Day 2013 is on Monday, the 2nd of September. Everyone may feel stressful and tired after weeks of hard works. We provide the best collection of funny Labor Day pictures to cheer you up and help you release your stress.

 Send this funny labor day pictures to everyone in your contact lists to multiply laughter on labor day weekend.
 Send this funny labor day pictures to everyone in your contact lists to multiply laughter on labor day weekend.
 Do you find this image hilarious? Share this with all your friends to bring joy to the world.
 Do you find this image hilarious? Share this with all your friends to bring joy to the world.
If you feel bored on this labor day holiday, you can see some funny labor day pictures like this.
 If you feel bored on this labor day holiday, you can see some funny labor day pictures like this.
Laughter is the best medicine, so why not share these funny photos about labor day with many other people.
Laughter is the best medicine, so why not share these funny photos about labor day with many other people.

I hope these funny labor day pictures will make you laugh your troubles away – at least for the moment. In addition, a piece of labor day jokes will make the day more wonderful.